Self Hosting

Self hosting the BancoLibre Backend

GitHub Repository here (opens in a new tab)

Running locally for development

BancoLibre consists of 2 services: frontend and backend. This page will explain how to run the backend by yourself.


  • NodeJS (v20.11.1)
  • npm
  • Docker Compose

Getting started

  1. git clone
  2. cd amboss-banco-server
  3. npm install to install needed dependencies

Postgres and Redis

docker compose -f docker/examples/docker-compose-services.yml up -d to start the Postgres and Redis container.

Run database migrations

npx prisma migrate dev --schema prisma/schema.prisma

Please note that the Postgres url from the environment will be used, i.e. .env file.

Running the Backend API (NestJS)

npm run start:dev to start service.

Application runs on port 3000 by default: localhost:3000. Can be specified using the PORT env var.

Build for production

You can build this app using npm run build. Or use the Dockerfile (opens in a new tab) to deploy this application.

Deployed backend (opens in a new tab)